Part C: Engaged Citizens Resources



Language Arts

  • CR1.1: Comprehend and respond to a variety of visual, oral, print and multimedia text that address identity (exploring interests, community e.g., belonging), and social responsibility (e.g., contributing).
  • Use illustrations, photographs, video programs, objects, and auditory cues to understand ideas and information.
  • Relate a personal experience as a result of a picture, photograph, or model.
  • Satisfy natural curiosity by engaging in inquiry:
    • wonder about new ideas and observations
    • discuss personal knowledge of a topic
    • ask questions to satisfy personal curiosity and information needs
    • identify self and others as sources of information
    • seek information from others including people at school, at home, and in the community including Elders and Knowledge Keepers
    • compare gathered ideas and information to personal knowledge
    • share learning and information-gathering experiences compose with a scribe
    • indicate whether or not information is useful for answering questions.
  • CC1.1: Compose and create various, visual, multimedia, oral, and written texts that explore and present thoughts, ideas, and experiences.
  • CC1.2: Use and construct symbols, pictures, and dramatizations to communicate feelings and ideas in a variety of ways.

Language Arts connections are primarily developed through student responses to the essential questions as they demonstrate understanding of their citizenship responsibilities.


  • LT1.1: Differentiate between living things according to observable characteristics, including appearance and behaviour.
  • OM1.1: Investigate observable characteristics and uses of natural and constructed objects and materials in their environment.
  • OM1.2 – Examine methods of altering and combining materials to create objects that meet students needs.
  • SE1.2: Explore how humans and animals use their senses to interact with their environment.
  • DS1.1: Compare and represent daily and seasonal changes of natural phenomena through observing, measuring, sequencing, and recording.
  • DS1.2: Inquire into the ways in which plants, animals, and humans adapt to daily and seasonal changes by changing their appearance, behaviour, and/or location.


  • SS1.1: Demonstrate an understanding of measurement as a process of comparing by:
    • identifying attributes that can be compared
    • ordering objects
    • making statements of comparison
    • filing, covering, or matching.
  • SS1.2: Replicate composite 2-D shapes and 3-D objects.
  • SS1.3: Compare 2-D shapes to parts of 3-D objects in the environment.


  • USC 1.5: Explore the association between a health sense of “self” and one’s positive connection with others and the environment.
  • DM 1.1: Examine initial steps for making basic choices regarding healthy behaviours; healthy relationships; and a healthy sense of self.
  • AP 1.1: Apply the steps of Stop, Do, Think, Act to develop a healthy sense of self.


  • Have students develop a personal rule book, recess rules or classroom rule posters.
  • Role play using a variety of body language.

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Grade 1 ResourcesGrade 1 Engaged Citizens Part C